Monday, October 3, 2011

My first Kahiko Hula Lesson with Lopaka!

Aloha everybody. 
This is will me my Blog connected to my Hau'Oli Hula HP. and this will be my first time to write down about my time in Hula and Tahitian and Japan.
I am not a good writer if you will think of my as a good dancer and choreographer.
I will try my best for me to have a nice communication and connection to all of you!

Yesterday was my first Kahiko lesson I took in Japan with  Lopaka  Kaumakaiwa Kanakaole the genious KUMU in the generation today! And this is the 2nd lesson for one year schedule.
I was happy to have my Kahiko Chanting and Noho Hula/ Hula Kuolo (sitting hula) with Ipu Heke.
'Oli about the battle with Ka'uauhelemoa = Kakuhihewa.
The chant is Pa Ka Makani 

I want to have this Kahiko in my Halau Kahiko performance. 
This will be hard and burning muscles in legs because this suggest to dance sitting and chanting but I am willing to try my best for the Halau. 

Yesterday  October 2nd was our Workshop with Kumu Uluwehi its been a long time to share time again.
We enjoyed the lesson too talking about Queen Kapiolani.

Mahalo Nui Loa,


1 comment:

  1. I had a terrible pain in both thigh. But I am still can walk but really painful when going doin and sitting on the floor..
